Below is a link to a Yahoo Group called Mystic School of Armors and Defense. Here you can learn things about armors, recieve an armor recognized by the school as genuine, meet other Ronin fans, and have fun. To become a student you must have a yahoo ID. Also, when you sign up you will be put on the pending list. Before you become a real student you must email one of the other teachers telling them why you want to be a student. Its not hard...."I want to learn and get an armor" is pretty much all you need. They just want to weed out the *lazy* people...  Click to subscribe to Mysticarmorsanddefense Welcome to Clan of a Maestro. This site is owned by Nasuko and Sayuri. We have created it for your viewing pleasure. Take a look at our growing fanfic section, our profiles, A.Y.N.T.C.Y.V.O.F., and look at Msc. for announcements and side notes from us. Enjoy your visit and come back! DISCLAIMER: Do not own the characters on any show mentioned here unless noted. Nor do I make any money off of....well....anything....