| I ask that everyone take five minutes of silence EVERYDAY at least until everyone is retrieved from the two sites. Even if they are dead. And in this moment of silence, pray for he lost souls, and pray that no one strays from the Lord. He is the savior, and in him you can find peace. Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, in this time of need, help all those who require your love. Leave no one alone, and assure that everyone is cared for. Assure all the souls a safe trip to your kingdom, and console all those who feel the loss of a loved one, as only you can. Because you are the light, and you are the Lord, to you we turn. We leave our lives, and our futures in your hands, as we know you always do what is right. Amen. Disclaimer: Not all opinions that are diplayed on this site are not necessarily something I, or others, agree with. You do not have to agree with them. |