Welcome to the links pages. If you want us to link to your site, let us know. This is the home page for FictionLyn. She writes Nsync Fanfics, and is going to write another story soon. It is about a guy named Tristan. She has two sagas. Go check them out. She is the BEST author I have ever come across, even if she doesn't write about Ronin Warriors. I highly recommend this site. **Banner not done by me**  Here is a link to a site about a group of warriors known as Sentinel Warriors. The Ronin Warriors do not play a huge part in the story. But they are good fanfics. **The banner NOT made by Nasuko or Sayuri, We got it off the site** 
This is MistikleStarr's Page. My (Nasuko) fanfic used to be up there...but it disappeared ::GASP!!:: But I e-mailed her to ask her what happened, and she is supposed to get back to me eventually. This fanfic is also on THIS site now anyway. It is called "The Destiny of Five" or "The Five's Destiny" or something along those lines. Isn't it great I don't remember? ^.^ hee..and as always, feel free to e-mail me with any comments. MystikleStarr's Ronin Warriors Page This place cracks me up. Plus many chibi adoptions for all. Drawback--it's for Gundam Wing. But I love that show too, so it's fine with me! *banner made by HINT*

This is a link to Bravenet.com. This is where I make the polls and the counters. And membership is free...check it out.....(you dont need to know html) *Picture taken off Bravenet site*
