Clan of a Maestro


Profiles | Fanfiction | Submissions | Links | Msc.

"In closing, I would like to give you these words of advice: No matter how much your tounge itches, do not put Lanacane on it. It will numb it severley. (To numb your tounge without having to contact the Poison Control Center, use Origel.)"
-My friend Amanda on her website

We will try to respond to everyone. It probably wont take long for us to respond. Thanks.


I am interested in finding out what sort of fanfiction all of you are interested in so I know what types to put on the site. Just e-mail me and let me know. If you would like to suggest a fanfic that you wrote or you read, please tell me that too. This is a RARE chance to control what you read and what others will read too. All fanfics or opinions will be taken into consideration.


(to e-mail me, click the link below)

